by Admin on Mar,31 2021






Dear parents/Guardians,                                                                                                    29th March; 2021


                                       News letter to parents/Guardians at the end of second term of 2020/2021

Academic Session



Complement of the season!  Greetings in the most wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


We wish to thank you for giving us the privilege to partner with you in the glorious task of training your child / ward in this citadel of learning. We give the almighty God praise for his mercies showered upon us abundantly during the period . He preserved the life of our children, Parents and Staff of the school, and therefore deserves our appreciations in no small measure.


           We are glad to let you know that :

  1. Third term 2020/2021 academic session begins on Monday 26 /04 / 2021 with serious activities in full force from the first day.

  2. Students / Pupils who fail to show evidence of payment of 3rd term School fees may not be allowed into the school after the first week of grace.

  3. Transportation: in view of the continuous increase in the pump price of petrol in Nigeria and  the poor road network in Imo state . the cost of transportation has been adjusted to twenty - five thousands naira. (N 25,000)  per term.

  4. Parents/Guardians are advice to ensure they pick their children before 4pm each school day. Failure to do so will attracts a fine of N500  ( Five Hundred Naira) per child each day

  5. Lateness to school:  parents / Guardians are expected to ensure their children get to school before 8am each school day. The school is now prepared to punish offenders to act as deterrent to defaulters.

  6. Submission of toiletries (Soap, Toilet roll, Dettol etc) to school is very compulsory. Students/ pupils who fail or refuse to obey this management decision may have their results seized. Parents / Guardians should know that these items are meant to serve their child/ward in school . Therefore, all concerned should comply.

  7. Living Temple School offers your child/ward the best enabling environment for sound academic and moral excellence, while erring pupils/student/staff are properly disciplined with love.

  8. The spiritual programme available in the school helps your child/ward to develop the right Godly character that will enhance their progress in life. This reflects our strong belief that education without character (good morals) is an exercise in futility.

  9. You are assured of a glorious future for your child /ward as you continue to give us the opportunity to train and nurture him/her to reflect and showcase our Living Temple Star

  10. Adequate provision of necessary reading and writing materials (e.g. Pencil, Bio, Exercise books and Textbooks) must be ensured for effective teaching and learning to take place.

  11.  For JSS3 Students:   school fees must be paid before registration of JSSCE or both should paid at the same time. Note, ten thousands, five hundred naira (N10,500) is required for the registration of JSSCE. Also, continuation class for JSSCE starts on Wednesday, 7/4/2021 and ends on Thursday, 22/4/2021. The token payable for this lesson is just two  thousands naira only (N2000)

  12. School fees payable in our secondary school has been slightly adjusted from thirty seven thousands five hundred naira (N37, 500) to forty thousand naira (40,000) only per term  with effect from 3rd term 2020/2021 school year.

  13. Final year Graduation ceremony: Each graduating student /pupil is expected to pay the sum of Five thousand, five hundreds naira (N5, 500) only .

  14.  Parents/ Guardians are expected to ensure that their children do their holiday assignments. This helps them to keep in tune with their academics and not carried away by Easter fun/ entertainment.

  15.  Your child /ward is expected to appear in the right school uniform for each day . Disobedient ones shall be punished. Parents / Guardians are expected to replace these uniforms the children have over grown.

  16. There is an obvious need now to censor the type of films your children watch at home to keep in check the unexpected changes in their character. 


We appreciate you most warmly for your understanding and cooperation in this noble task of building a great future for your child / ward.

May God continue to bless you in Jesus name






